The World According to a Surrey Conservative

Monday, February 05, 2007

Back into the CF

I got a reply this morning from another Surry CF member to a e-mail I sent over the weekend.

I have missed doing work for the CF and before I started to study at Surrey Uni, I was invited to join a Surrey wide CF group, but had to focus on my first semister.

I have put forward a idea to run a Surrey wide CF blog to go alongside my other blogs, which should be fun to do.
I may also get involved with the local Reigate commitee soon and will try to attend a AGM/social event soon to find out some more.

I will keep you posted about this, it will be good to get involved again.


Blogger Becca>>>> said...

um - silly question probably - but what does CF stand for?

11:46 pm  
Blogger David said...

Conservative Future.

5:07 pm  

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