The World According to a Surrey Conservative

Saturday, January 20, 2007

England expects

Most people that know me know that I believe strongly in creating a English parliament, as both Scotland, Wales and soon Ireland will have their own national parliaments or similar, while Labour have said that they do not want a English parliament.

Most people think they know why Labour fear a English parliament, but I do not want one because I know that it will lead to a Conservative victory in England, I want one because if the other British countries have one then England should have one as well.

Iain Dale's blog has information about this and the EDM 670 that shows most English voters see a English Parliament at the top of their list for constitutional reform.

As total independence for Scotland by only be a few years away, I believe that plans should start being drawn up for a EP, otherwise are Scottish MP's from the 'Independence nation of Scotland' still going to be allowed to vote on English issues, Edward I would turn in his grave.

Check out the petition symbol on the right or check out the CEP site below.


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