The World According to a Surrey Conservative

Friday, January 05, 2007

Sexual Orientation Law

I have known about the protest against the sexual orientation law for a short while and I may be not able to attend, however here is a page about it from the Christian Followship site.

You may ask why I would want to attend this protest anyway? Well I am not against Gay rights, even though I believe that marriage should always remain a sacred partnership between a man and women before God.

But I disagree with this law mainly because it seems like a totalitarian attempt by our government to create unity among all the population.

Could this law be overuling the word of God from the bible? but what really makes my spine shiver is that this law may cause the following:

May force priests to bless same-sex partnerships and give the use of church halls to homosexual groups.

Muslim landladies may be breaking the law by turning away homosexual couples, some already have rules againts unmarried heterosexuals couples.

Religious newspapers may have to print adverts for Gay events.

Church schools may have to teach that there is no moral distinction between homosexual sex and sex between married couples.

I believe that a factor that makes a good society is to balance the rights of the whole population, but this may be a wacky law that by adding the growing list of rights for Gay couples, is taking away religious rights for others.

Why does the government think it worthwhile to stir up ill-feeling in this way? Has Tony Blair become so arrogant after ten years that he really believes his version of morality must take precedence over God's? - Tom Utley, Daily Mail.

If this law passes through the House of Lords and is layed out across the land, we may have more martyrs because of it then the amount of protestants burnt at the stake by Mary I.

In the meantime, I have found out that Christian students at Exeter University have launched a High Court case against the University after being banned from using campus facilities over a row over Gay rights.

Ben Martin, the group spokesman, said "Legal action was the very last thing we wanted to take. We are all students trying to concentrate on our studies, but the action by the Guild, in blatant infringement of our rights, and their reluctance to reinstate us, has left us with no alternative"

I hope that the case is won by the Christian Union, overwise many other Christian Unions may start to be affected.


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