The World According to a Surrey Conservative

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Help! I'm plain stupid

I saw these in the Daily Mail the other day, they are funny phone calls to Call Centres.

Caller: The coffee cup holder on my computer is broken. Can I get a replacement please?

Help Desk: I'm not sure what you mean. Where exactly is this coffee cup holder?

Caller: Well there's a button on the front of my computer and when I press it a drink caddy pops out. You know, it's just like the ones they put in cars.

Help Desk: Sir, I think you'll find that's the CD slot.

Technical Support: I need you to right click on the Open Desktop.
Customer: Ok
Technical Support: Did you get a pop-up menu?
Customer: No
Technical Support: Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?
Customer: No
Technical Support: Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?
Customer: Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'.

Caller: I can't find my little pictures (icon)

Technical Support: What pictures?

Caller: One is 'my computer,' another is like 'network neighbour'.

Technical Support: Do you have any windows open?

Caller: Yes

Technical Support: Ok, we need to close those windows.

Caller: Oh, Ok. (Everything goes quiet for a few moments)

Technical Support: Are you there?

Caller: Ok, I had to walk around the room and close all the windows... I still can't see my little pictures.

Helpdesk: How may I help you?
Caller: I have spent all week trying to rewind my DVD. How do you rewind it?

Caller: Does your European breakdown motoring policy cover me when I am travelling in Australia?

Operator: Doesn't the name of the product give you a clue?


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