The World According to a Surrey Conservative

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Elections tomorrow...

I am looking forward to tomorrow as it is that time to vote again and I can't wait to see Labour get almost wiped out from Scotland, Wales and many places in England. It will also be great to see how David Cameron is doing so far.

As Tony Blair may step down as Labour leader next week, it should not be too long until Gordon Brown takes over and I think he should call a general election. I know he won't as it looks like the Conservatives would win a snap election, so it looks like the seriously damaged New Labour train will crawl on, with its rusty wheels and passengers who are prepared to jump off to leave it, for a another few years.

Gordon Brown will most likely be a cause of a Conservative himself and I will be glad to see the back of this anti-libertarian, totalitarian, corrupt and self-obsessed government.

I am looking forward to see Gordon vs David at the PMQ's though!
But in the meantime....



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