The World According to a Surrey Conservative

Monday, May 21, 2007


1 - Would you take out private health insurance?
If I really needed to.

2 - Do you think the country is in a mess?
No of course not, but it does have a lot of social problems.

3 - Would you break the law if you felt it was wrong?
If it was a silly New Labour law I might do if I felt it was wrong and if it would not cause suffering to other people.

4 - Should we change the abortion laws?
I think abortion should be against the law, but it would lead to women using dangerous 'backstreet' abortions, but I think it is morally wrong.

5 - What would they have to pay you to join the army?
Nothing. I would join simply to serve my Queen and Country.

6 - What nationality do you feel?

7 - Are you proud to live in Britain?
I do indeed.

8 - Do you feel part of a class?
I feel very Middleclass. But class is who you are not where you live.

9 - Should Church and state mix?

10 - What do you think of David Cameron?
He is making the Conservative Party electable again, but I am worried about some of his changes.

12 - How should we discipline our children?
Show them strict discipline, but at the same time show them affection.

13 - Did you like your school?
Yeah, my school was good, it was a manor school and had some good teachers.

15 - Tell me about God.
Well he created the universe and sent his son to earth to show mankind the moral way of living and still watches over us. So he is pretty cool.

16 - What do you think of Gordon Brown?
Well I think he may be the last Labour PM before the Conservatives take power again.

17- What are your views on immigration?
There should be limited immigration when it benefits the sociality and they should be taught about and practise British values.

18 - Should the state ever censor anything?
I believe in freedom of information, but if something can damage the normal public way of life, then maybe the state should censor somethings.

20 - What do you think about Margaret Thatcher?
She made some mistakes, but on the whole I like her and Tony Blair is not worthy enough to lick her shoes.

21 - What do you think is the future of the monarchy?
Well if Cherie Blair is a icon for Republicans, the monarchy has nothing to fear. God save the Queen!

22 - What do you think about multiculturalism?
The hard fact seems to be that multiculturalism is causing division.

23 - Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
Yeah, but have not won the jackpot yet.

24 - What do you think about growing old?
Quite happy, it is a part of live in the end.

26 - Ever seen a strip show / thought of being in a strip show?
Not really.

27 - Does truth exist?
I believe that truth does exist, but some people don't seem to realise its value against lies.

28 - Do you watch Big Brother?
Only when my brain has stopped working due to over studying and when I need something to stare at to pass the time.

30 - What is your view on the ni'qab (full veil)?
I believe that it should be banned in this country because it is un-British and oppresses women.

32 - "Tax the rich!"?
If they can afford to pay more, then it would be good to pick up some of the tax burden from very poor people.

33 - ... for (US) President!
Anyone who believes that the pen is mighter then the sword and can locate Togoland on the map.

34 - Ever thought of being a vegetarian?
Tried it and failed. Maybe men are not meant to be vegetarians.

35- Will there be a war on Iran?
Hope not as it would be 10 times as bloody as the Iraq war. Just hope people learn from the mistakes of the Roman's.

36 - Do you vote?
Of course!

37 - Who for? Or why not?
Conservative Party

38 - What do you think about the French?
Well France is where liberty and freedom was born, but they people have a few problems.

Friday, May 18, 2007

New Video

New video on the bloglist showing the last scene from the film 300.


My Promotion

Well, here is the good news that I have been hoping for.
I had a good meeting with Personal today and have been told that I have been given a place on the training programme to become a manager.

I have also been told that I have the skills to go straight onto Head Office, which gave me a bit of a shock as it was much more then what I expected, but I might wait a year or so to learn to be a store manager first.

So I will keep posting about my experience on the training programme over the months to come.

Who ever said Capitalism was evil?


Tiffany D

I had a e-mail from the singer Tiffany Desrosiers with a update on her career, so I am just going to do a quick post about it.

Her new song called 'With These Tears' is currently being played on 9 radio stations in Canada and other stations are interested.

Tiffany was also invited to sing for David Foster at the Victoria Independent Film and Video Festival back in February. The event was called 'An Evening with David Foster' and the video can be seen under the video section at and below.

The Prayer

Tiffany was also at the Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival and was awarded first place in four categories and has been asked to represent Vancouver in the National Category at the British Columbia Provincials in early June. The competition will take place in Penticton, British Columbia, June 4-7.

Feel free to leave any messages for Tiffany on this blog.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Rowan Cole

I have added Rowan Cole's new blog under the Conservative Future blogroll.

I helped out with Rowan's campaign during the local elections.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gordon Brown Is Macavity

Seeing in the beginning of the Brown era, will it be better or worst then the Blair one?

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Blair years

I saw this on Anne-Marie's blog about her view on the Blair years since 1997, it makes interesting reading and I agree with much of it.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Future of Civilization

I found this video which shows a Theoretical physicist called Michio Kaku and if you are a geek like me you will find this very interesting.

Let me know your views on it.

Blair is going at last.

Well, Tony Blair has at last said that he will be stepping down as Labour party leader and Prime Minister on 27th June...and then we get Gordon Brown.

I liked the way the Speaker called Gordon Brown Prime Minister by mistake in the Commons today, things seem to be changing very fast.


Monday, May 07, 2007

My weekend

I am taking a break from my work at the moment so I thought I would post a message.

I have been stuck at home alone, not having anyone to talk to and have been working on my exam all weekend and I am almost ready now, just a bit left to do now and a lot of prayer and I should be able to pass it.

But as Philippians 4:4-7 says:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So I know that if I pray I will have help and should be able to succeed with it.

Learning more about Classical mythology, its so great!!! I recommend the 'Heart of Darkness' and it has been interesting to see the allusions, symbolism and what the book really means.

Been watching the 1997 general election on BBC Parliament, which was a bit depressing and funny to see the promises that New Labour made back then and comparing it to today's government.

Seeing the Queen touring America and meeting George Bush, every time I see Liz on TV now I get very anxious about meeting her.

Anyway better get back to my essay work now.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Dæmon 2

Yay, thanks guys. My Dæmon is starting to look really cool and a bit like Aslan. Please keep doing the questions through.


I saw this on the Myspace page of my friend Ruth and it looks like a great film.

Could you answer the questions to help create my Dæmon to a fixed state and please leave a comment to let us know what you think.

2007 results

Here are the results from the elections in England last night.

The Conservatives have gained 898 councillors and now have a total of 5243 councillors and gained control of 38 councils with a total now of 163 councils. A good night for us then, but it would have been nice to storm into places like Manchester.

Labour have lost 495 councillors and now have a total of 1865 councillors and they also lost 8 councils and now have a total of 34 councils.

The Lib Dems did not do as bad as Labour. They lost 246 councillors and 4 councils. They now have 2162 councillors and control 23 councils.

In Scotland we have 17 seats and Labour have 46 seats and the SNP have become the most powerful party in Scotland with 47 seats.

In Wales we have 12 seats, while Labour have 26 seats.

Here is Iain Duncan Smith talking about the results.

Yet, Tony Blair calls it a "good springboard" to win the next general election. I prefer David Cameron's quote that the Conservative 41% share of the vote was "stunning".


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Elections tomorrow...

I am looking forward to tomorrow as it is that time to vote again and I can't wait to see Labour get almost wiped out from Scotland, Wales and many places in England. It will also be great to see how David Cameron is doing so far.

As Tony Blair may step down as Labour leader next week, it should not be too long until Gordon Brown takes over and I think he should call a general election. I know he won't as it looks like the Conservatives would win a snap election, so it looks like the seriously damaged New Labour train will crawl on, with its rusty wheels and passengers who are prepared to jump off to leave it, for a another few years.

Gordon Brown will most likely be a cause of a Conservative himself and I will be glad to see the back of this anti-libertarian, totalitarian, corrupt and self-obsessed government.

I am looking forward to see Gordon vs David at the PMQ's though!
But in the meantime....
