The afterlife
I had a brief chat on MSN with Cat the other day about the belonging event which was held by the Surrey Uni CU.
I have not written much on the afterlife, so I have decided to talk briefly on it and will avoid the darker side of the afterlife.
I strongly believe in the afterlife and that life is the key to Heaven's door, to me it is a place where souls can live forever with their loved one's and to finally meet God.
Does the afterlife really exist?
Scientific observation and experiments have not produced any proof that supports the existence of an afterlife and so science has not verified it yet.
But it has not proved that it does not exist, so we firstly need to go back to the Bible and John 14:1-4
1 .Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
2 .In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
4 .You know the way to the place where I am going.
Here Jesus told his disciples that he would prepare a room in Heaven for them and will be with them. Jesus was sent from Heaven to Earth and tells us that there are many places in Heaven waiting for them and he would not lie, so this is prove of the afterlife.
Could a NDE be a journey towards the afterlife?
On January 9, 1991, something quiet unusual happened in an Australian hospital. The patient Ken Mullens who made a good recovery from a heart attack had his lunch in bed, when he suddenly felt strange and called the nurse. Within the next few moments he died of cardiac arrest.
The nurse called the doctors who arrived immediately, and tried to stimulate the patient's heart with electric shock treatment for 10 Minutes. Ken did not recover and was declared dead. The morgue attendant was called and the medical staff removed the sensors from the patient and started packing up. Then Ken suddenly coughed, started to breath again and made a full recovery. Records show that he was dead for 20 minutes.
Doctors were lost for an explanation for this phenomena and soon Ken Mullens was asked by the Australian press and TV, to explain what he had experienced during these 20 minutes. - NDE
I have not written much on the afterlife, so I have decided to talk briefly on it and will avoid the darker side of the afterlife.
I strongly believe in the afterlife and that life is the key to Heaven's door, to me it is a place where souls can live forever with their loved one's and to finally meet God.
Does the afterlife really exist?
Scientific observation and experiments have not produced any proof that supports the existence of an afterlife and so science has not verified it yet.
But it has not proved that it does not exist, so we firstly need to go back to the Bible and John 14:1-4
1 .Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
2 .In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.
3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
4 .You know the way to the place where I am going.
Here Jesus told his disciples that he would prepare a room in Heaven for them and will be with them. Jesus was sent from Heaven to Earth and tells us that there are many places in Heaven waiting for them and he would not lie, so this is prove of the afterlife.
Could a NDE be a journey towards the afterlife?
On January 9, 1991, something quiet unusual happened in an Australian hospital. The patient Ken Mullens who made a good recovery from a heart attack had his lunch in bed, when he suddenly felt strange and called the nurse. Within the next few moments he died of cardiac arrest.
The nurse called the doctors who arrived immediately, and tried to stimulate the patient's heart with electric shock treatment for 10 Minutes. Ken did not recover and was declared dead. The morgue attendant was called and the medical staff removed the sensors from the patient and started packing up. Then Ken suddenly coughed, started to breath again and made a full recovery. Records show that he was dead for 20 minutes.
Doctors were lost for an explanation for this phenomena and soon Ken Mullens was asked by the Australian press and TV, to explain what he had experienced during these 20 minutes. - NDE
People who have near-death experience's often talk about floating over their dead body, which if true means that only the body dies but the soul lives on.
We all know about the bright tunnel, but is this the pathway towards heaven or another mystery about what the human brain goes through when it is dying.
But is there only a Heaven and Hell in the afterlife? in my next post on the afterlife, I will be looking at other places people may go to and experience.
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