I read an interesting acticle in the paper today about a new book from an American writer, who did not even do History past the sixth grade. Anyway this book is all about blaming Britain for the world's ills. I had to laugh at this, an American blaming Britain for the world's troubles!
Now I know that Lefties like to attack the British Empire for being an evil and cruel one, however it was nothing like the Roman or Mongal imperial conquests. I am afraid that I don't share this left wing view, I know that the slavery part of the Empire was a cruel trade and wonder why these men throught it was okay to trade people as slaves and even the Christian who wrote
'Amazing Grace' worked on a slave ship.
But there were good parts of the British rule that include:
We brought trade, invention and law to all different lands that know not about them before.The Indians today still acknowledge a debt to Britain for ruling without corruption and the English language gives them a advantage over China.Brought peace to Africa and it was a lot better back then.Britain on the whole did a much better job at running the world then America today.
We managed to rule India with just 1,000 officials in a country of hundreds of millions, won the Battle of Britain and defeated the massive Zulu army with a handfull of British troops, now they were quite an achievement.
He has some cheek to say that it was Britian's fault that the Vietnam War happened as it was our colonial expansion that lead to the country being a French colony and that the First World war was our fault because Germany wanted a Empire like ours.
This is the America that caused about 30 years of Cold War and almost a Nucleur War with all the horrors of the Vietnam War, which Britain was right to stay out off and brought the 'Teenager' to Britain. It was better when teenagers wore flatcaps and spoke in a cockney accent.
The paper suggests that the book is an attempt from the American to taunt the British because we ran the world before them and with all the problems they are having at the moment, they need someone to look down on. Which sounds quite true.
At the end of the day and apart from all the bad stuff that did happen during those imperial days when Britain was a great industrial nation, I am biased as I am a Nationalist, but I think we were a better ruler then American is today, mainly because of the differences between our rulers and style of army.
(C) Max Hastings,
The Daily Mail.